
AFCAT Exam Selection Procedure, SSB Interview Tips, AFSB Experience 2013-2014 SSB Interview Tips

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Air Force Common Admission Test AFCAT 2013-2014 has been announced and the candidates who had applied and looking out in the net for the AFCAT Exam Syllabus would have got the appropriate info in this web site.. Now Moving to how to crack the AFCAT Exam and also how to perform in the SSB Interviews..
As you all Know the Selection process would be of the stages mentioned below
Intelligence Test,
Psychological Test,
Group Test,
Medical Examination and
Interview conducted by Air Force Selection Boards (AFSBs). Candidates applying for Flying Branch must appear for Pilot Aptitude Battery Test (PABT) based on their choice of branch/eligibility.
Stage I Testing
  • o Officer Intelligence rating Test
  • o Picture perception and Discussion Test
Stage I is a screening test. Those who qualify Stage-I are eligible to undergo Stage II testing. Stage I disqualified candidates are routed back after announcement of results
2. Stage II Testing
All Stage I qualified candidates undergo following tests as part of Stage II testing during next three to four days
  1. Psychological Tests are written tests that are conducted by a Psychologist.
  2. Group Tests are interactive indoor and outdoor activities which are a combination of mental and physical work.
  3. Interview involves a personal conversation with an Interviewing Officer.
Pilot Aptitude Battery Test (PABT) is a unique test.
It is aimed at assessing a candidate’s aptitude to be trained as a pilot. PABT is being used as an independent selection device to induct potential officers into Flying Branch of Indian Air Force. PABT comprises three tests viz Instrument Battery Test (INSB), Sensory Motor Apparatus Test (SMA) and Control Velocity Test (CVT). Instrument Battery Test (INSB) is a paper pencil test and other two are machine tests.
The Instruments Battery Test (INSB) comprises two parts. This test assesses assimilation of the briefing and the ability of an individual to read and interpret the dials of an instrument panel of an aircraft. The candidates who score the minimum laid down criteria are subjected to the machine test. The machine test includes Sensory Motor Apparatus Test (SMA) and Control Velocity Test (CVT). These tests measure the psychomotor co-ordination skill of the individual. These tests are conducted on a single day and administered only once in life time.
At the Conference held on the last day, all the Assessors i.e. the Psychologist, Ground Testing Officer and the Interviewing Officer, discuss your personality and decide on whether to recommend you or not. Those recommended by the AFSBs will be required to fill up certain documents at the Boards and subsequently move to the next step.
If you are recommended by the Selection Board, you will be sent for the medical examination either at Air Force Central Medical Establishment (AFCME), New Delhi or Institute of Aviation Medicine, Bengaluru.

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